Installation guide for Samsung Series Camera Protector

Installation Guide

In this video, we will show you how easy and convenient it is to install NANOTECH Samsung Series Camera Protector

00:00 - Start
00:03 - Disclaimer
00:05 - Camera Protector Comparison

Camera Lens Ring Protector
00:09 - Samsung Variant
00:18 - Content Layout
00:20 - Cleaning with Alcohol Wipes
00:23 - Wiping dry with Fibre Cloth
00:25 - Tack away dust with Dust Absorbing Sticker
00:27 - Peel Backboard away
00:29 - Applying Camera Lens Protector
00:36 - Installation Done

Camera Lens Ring Protector
00:40 - Samsung Variant
00:48 - Content Layout
00:50 - Cleaning with Alcohol Wipes
00:52 - Wiping dry with Fibre Cloth
00:55 - Tack away dust with Dust Absorbing Sticker
00:57 - Peel Backboard away
00:58 - Applying Camera Lens Protector
01:01 - Installation Done